Monday, January 28, 2013

Insta-White Teeth

White teeth are great. Whitening stripes are bloody expensive. Here are a couple at home solutions that will amaze you...I kid you not, try them and be amazed at the results.

#1: Baking Soda

This is the quick-fix instant whitener. Keep a box in your bathroom cabinet, it's magical. If you are about to go out and looking to go a shade whiter, this is the solution. Just wet your toothbrush, dip it baking soda, and give your teeth a decent scrub for a couple minutes. Rinse and smile. It's unbelievable. You can also use it more regularly by doing this daily.

#2: Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is a fantastic little bubbly wonder. It has a plethora of uses around the home, most notably cleaning wounds, getting blood stains out of clothing (girls, take note- PMS shall not ruin your clothes.), and whitening teeth. Swish it about like mouthwash for a bit, spit it out, but then don't rinse your mouth for water for a couple minutes. If you have sensitive gums, it can be a little tingly. This is more of a progressive type of whitening, so it may take a couple weeks of doing it daily to see the results....but it works. Also, if you have any mouth sores or white bumps on your tongue, do this a couple times a day for a few days and it all gets fixed!


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